Please find below the list of our current projects. Please click on the project name for more details.
For a list of all of our past projects and more details on any of our work please contact us.

FRA Trackside/Yard Wireless Standards Project

FRA Wireless Project
    • Research and evaluate standards-based Mobile Wireless LAN technologies towards the next generation for interoperable railroad deployments alongside tracks and in yards to modernize the North American railroad industry's train communication infrastructure.
    • Research conducted for the USDOT Federal Railroad Administration and in collaboration with many North American Railroad companies including Union Pacific, BNSF, and CSX.
    • Established and operate 3 wireless test beds for various technologies, including WiFi, Mobile WiMAX, LTE and other technologies.
    • Utilizes our lab infrastructure for device evaluation, field tests, as well as our comprehensive ns-2 simulation models, developed by our research team and freely available at

FRA Railcar-Monitoring Project

FRA WSN Project
  • Project for utilizing Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Technology for real-time railcar monitoring and alerting, for safer, more secure, and more efficient railroad operations.
  • Research supported by the Federal Railroad Administration and in collaboration with many North American Railroad companies, including Union Pacific, BNSF, and CSX.
  • Addresses demand to overcome limitations from traditional WSN technologies when used in railroad setting
  • Development a new networking protocol architecture, including validation through prototyping, simulation, and field testing.
  • This work was featured in the 2013 UNL Annual Research Report here.

Animal Tag Project

Traditional Animal Tag
  • Project aims at developing a Smart Wireless Animal Tracking and Health Monitoring System in response to a need of today's food production industry and for the National Animal Identification System (NAIS).
  • Health monitoring and location tracking are key components to prevent future epidemic outbreaks of Mad Cow Disease and other devastating diseases, as well as improving farm productivity.
  • Our system is a green solution that is fully self-powered by its environment, with secure active RF for immediate alerting, as well as sensing, processing, and information storage capabilities.
  • Involves cutting-edge research in system design and optimization, wireless protocol design to adapt to fluctuating energy reserves and operate in an ultra-low duty cycle mode, and much more.
  • Field testing performed in collaboration with UNL's Agricultural Research and Development Center (ARDC).
TEL Smart Tag

Covert Channel Detection and Disruption

Covert Channel Overview
  • Covert Channels are a form of steganography that exploits networking protocols and activities to allow secret - often malicious - information exchanges.
  • Our research focuses on creating a comprehensive understanding of covert channels, their capabilities, and risks, by leveraging a framework for the unified modeling and analysis of covert channel algorithms.
  • This enables their detection and disruption in network traffic, a key to preventing their further proliferation.

Wireless Sensor Networks

TEL Smart Tag
TEL Smart Tag
  • Research into the security, resource efficiency, and multimedia support of Mobile Wireless Sensor Network technologies.
  • Involves multifaceted Protocol and Hardware design for WSNs.
  • Driven by the Modeling and Development of practical WSN applications.
  • Collaborative Project with WINDS Lab at UNO's College of Information Science and Technology and UNL's WISE-COM Lab.
TEL Smart Tag